Tracie Ching Joins ATRBUTE

We are beyond thrilled to announce that the phenomenal Tracie Ching has joined ATRBUTE's art roster! Tracie's work is a marriage of old and new— she translates classic engraving techniques through vector illustration, resulting in the bold cross-hatching style for which she is known.

We "sat down" with Tracie to learn some more about her and ask our most burning questions.

If you could describe your work in 3 words, what would those be?
Lots. Of. Lines.

Was there a defining moment when illustration turned from a pastime to your career?
Not really. Art has always been the intended vocation. Anything I illustrated was never a pastime but a stepping stone toward my future career.

What's the first thing you do when you get a new client brief?
Little wiggle chair dance. I really like reading new briefs.

Early bird or a night owl?
Night Owl

How do you work past a creative block?
Palette cleanse. I try to create a completely new kind of work or arrange for a break. Just pushing through usually results in subpar work.

How do you reward yourself when you finish a big project?
Pint of Ben & Jerry’s and a night off.

What's your absolute favorite piece of work you created in the past 12 months? 
My favorite works tend to be the ones that brought the most unique or illuminating experience, rather than those that were aesthetically or technically best. The craziest ride from last year was creating a Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker poster last year for Poster Posse, Disney, and Lucasfilm. You never know where your work will go, if it’ll live and die in a tiny pool or go beyond your sphere, so it was a delight to come across the Korean version. [See both versions below]

If you could give young Tracie one piece of advice, what would that be?
Don’t listen to them. You were right.