Bata Shoe Museum

In the summer of 2013, The Bata Shoe Museum had an exhibition entitled “Out of the Box: The Rise of Sneaker Culture”. In partnership with the American Federation of Arts, Shantell was asked to come and create an installation on the glass exterior windows of the museum. For her installation, Shantell was inspired by the city of Toronto, and evoked themes from the geography and the unique Torontonian chill aesthetic.

In one part of the exhibition, Shantell held a workshop where children visiting the exhibit were allowed to draw on the paintings, making it a collaborative and inclusive experience. Besides the installation, her one-of-a-kind sneakers were also exhibited at the show, alongside her playful, monochromatic glass drawings. Thanks to the success of the show, the exhibition traveled to multiple locations, including the Brooklyn Museum in New York.

(Toronto, 2013)